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In the most recent Mission Impossible Live Coding event, Jefferson and I convert the GitHub Action Super-Linter to run in GitLab CI. This is a summary...
Since switching focus to the cloud I am doing more and more pure CLI admin of Windows. One of the pains of windows admin from a console is accessing...
Super action spies like Ethan Hunt, Jason Borne and Evelyn Salt live in an ethos of getting the job done no matter what! They complete their missions...
Windows and reboots - more than a few candles have been burned on both ends in understanding and resolving this relationship. Like it or not and...
I had a project to package the CIS CAT Pro benchmark auditing tool for Windows and Linux. The unique Windows challenges I experienced are applicable...
Back in June I kicked off the open source project for reverting WinRM to its pristine state (or as close as possible). There has not been a lot of...